Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why on Earth am I up so early?

I have a four year old little girl and a ten month old little man... they used to wake up at 9am which was great but recently started waking  up at 7:30 am, well today I was up at 5:40am and have been up since!!! I'm a raging lunatic! I should be sleeping but as tired as I feel I was interested in checking the weather and now I just can't go back to sleep it's 6:52 am and more than likely my son will be up in about 30 minutes... So what would be the point? I figure might as well come here and rant obsessively. 

Well, now that, that's over; let me tell you about something my daughter said to me last night. It's customary for either my husband and I, or both, to read our kids a book before bed. Since my husband is currently unavailable, I do the reading . Although occasionally she is so desperate to see her daddy and hear his voice we pop in a DVD he made her and Ben, of him reading them 3 books. God Bless USO!  Anyway, last night I was reading to her the story of "Snow White",  and at the end of the story it says "And they lived happily ever after" like in most Princess stories and she asked me, "Mom, what does that mean?". It wasn't too hard to find the words simply because I feel like I have that already. So, I told her, "It's when two people love each other and get married. They live together for the rest of their lives, they have kids and are happy forever!" I wasn't so surprised to hear her say "Mom, I want to be a Princess and love a Prince forever." Since my daughter has always admired princesses and talks about finding her prince often. Usually I would say, "But you're already my Princess" or "You're too little to think about Princes", but last night she didn't let me speak until she got her point across, so she continued...

"But if I am not a Princess I want to be a dentist... or a mermaid, OK?" What an extreme jump! From attainable fairytale, to realistic possibility, to the completely impossible! LOL. That's our girl. All I could say was "You have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do, and when you decide, all mommy and daddy will say is "Go for it!" because we know you can do anything". But it gave me a brief window to a little girls mind that's already growing. It scares me. I'd like her to stay this way forever. 

Of course at the same time, I can't wait to see this already BRILLIANT little girl, grow up to be something great. Never a mermaid but great none-the-less. No matter what I will always have these memories to hold on to!

Peace, Love, Sanity.

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