Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Happy Inauguration!.... To me.

I've been interested in starting a blog since I can remember. Only recently did I realize that it was an attainable dream.. OK. Dream is too big a word, but I have wanted to share my life with those people who don't know what it's like to be a wife, and still feel like a single mom...  Simply because I'm married to a soldier who has spent 60% of his time on deployment. My children and I have learned to get by without him. That's not to say we don't need him. We do. Everyday, I wake up and find myself still reaching for him. I have days when deployment feels surreal, I wake up with an inexplicable desire to call him at work and say "I had the most unbelievable dream!", When it wasn't a dream at all. I AM alone, he is deployed and I can't call him. It's hard, it's complicated and it's chaotic. Everyday, there's something. Wether you have two cars with drained batteries, because your 4 year old left the over head light on, overnight or there's a crazed lunatic on the post you call home and there's MP on loudspeaker telling you "The public is safe. Remain in doors. Secure all windows and doors"...  almost like something from a movie of Alien Invasions. Only instead of aliens they're idiots...

It's not always bad, but it is always something. As a military spouse [and I'm sure other wives deal with this one] you have to deal with criticism, sometimes it's strangers, occasionally it's friends and even family. For some reason, when I go out people feel like they have every right to comment on my life, wether it's a relative (you're not even close to), saying -"I can't believe you decided to have kids knowing he'd eventually leave? You should have waited! Do you think you're doing right by this child?" Yes we did have children, because we love each other and the purpose of our getting married was to start a family! We are doing excellent by our children, far or not my husband is still double the father most men are! I can say that, my own father wasn't as dedicated to us, as my husband is to our kids... And who made them an expert on my life, anyway!? -

Or it's a stranger asking why you married someone in the service, knowing the terrible things he does to innocent people, in their own country. To those people I say "You obviously, have no idea! My husband as well as many of the other men and women out there, try their hardest to serve their community in any way they can, many soldiers donate items, that their own families send in care packages to the children and families nearby, from toys or food or just candy... to school supplies and even clothes!" So if you happen to be one of those opinionated people who verbally attacks us, on the street, in a shopping center or even in a church... think of all this first and then think of the things we have to sacrifice so that you can have a right to speak at all!

Furthermore if anyone reads this I hope you enjoyed it... I certainly enjoyed writing it! For no matter the difficulty it's a life I'm proud of and I love to share with the world!

Peace, Love, Sanity.

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