Thursday, March 11, 2010


If you're a mom, then you deal with the basic, everyday, take kids to school (or daycare), after school activities, clean up rooms, do laundry, make dinner. Some master the art of making a jogging suit look like a million bucks. Not me. We all deal, at one point or another, with poo in our finger nails, vomit on our best top, and waffles in our hair... oh wait, thats possibly, just me. Eventually, we all get the mom cut, because It's like an initiation rite. We all deal with these things, at least once.  And It makes us the strong, wonderful mothers that we are.

I had this happen to me today and it wouldn't be the first time. Definitely not, the first time. I've dealt with infant diarrhea, and constipation, as well as what my husband and I like to call, projectile poo! I can handle it all with ease. Today, I was playing with my kids in my room, climbing on my bed and jumping around like crazy people; we do this often. My daughter had just finished her waffle breakfast and unbeknownst to me had a mouthful of delicious, syrupy, waffle drool. When I took her in my arms and lifted her up to make her "fly", the mushy substance came falling from her chuckling mouth, and straight into my freshly washed and dried hair. Spectacular!!!! I could not help but burst into uncontrollable  laughter.

Fact is, this stuff happens. It takes me an hour to do my hair, not to mention, shower time. And then it rains or drool lands in it... I would've been furious 5 years ago had it been my brothers doing. It's incredible how much having your own kids changes you! I have always been mature for my age, I'm more adult than my parents half the time. Which is ironic. Having children has taken me to a whole new level of maturity, and it's a great feeling knowing that if I haven't accomplished much in life, at least I've been a great wife and mother. Nothing in my life has been bigger or better than motherhood. Today was a reminder of that. Spit and waffle drool in my hair was not only a marvelous conditioner for my hair, but did wonders for my heart. I can still hear my daughters giggles upon realizing she had showered me in this substance. It was Incredible!

Peace, Love, Sanity, for all.

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