Friday, April 09, 2010

One More For The Road?

"A rolling stone gathers no moss"- Publius Syrus

This is the phrase that comes to mind when I think military family. It makes perfect sense with all the relocating, it may not always be you moving but there's always people you come to love, leaving. I've had to say good-bye to a few friends due to an ETS in the past. Now, I'll be the one moving.

For the past 5 years of my life I've called Fort Lewis, Wa, home. So It's no surprise, I'm saddened now that my husband has come up on orders to PCS. By military standards we've been here too long, especially since it's been my husbands only station in his almost 8 year career. I can't help but cry at the thought of leaving the only place I've called home. More home to me, than the place I was born and raised, because it's been the place where our family was established. It should bring me joy to know that by this time next year, I will be planning a move back home. Only 3 hours shy of my parents home and the rest of our familiy, but I can't help but dread going back. I can't help but wonder "Will I ever see the hospital my children were born in again?" "Will the next family to live in this house care for it the same?" "What about all my lakes, rivers and nearby beaches?, Will I ever again see the beauty of my first and only real home?" "What about the friends who have turned into family?" "Am I really prepared to say good-bye?" 
The answers to these questions don't matter. We're leaving and although no one may ever understand, it breaks my heart to have to say good-bye to the friends and family I've made here. The only family I've known for so long. I would go to the moon and back as long as my husband was with me and that's my mantra. If California is to be our next home, I'll view it as a blessing in disguise. 

I'll be trading umbrellas and rain boots for.... whatever Californians use out in the desert. Oh Joy! The Desert, the hot, dry, boring desert. Here we come!

Good-bye beautiful rain, orange and pink sunsets, beautiful trees and green grass!

California... here I come.

Peace. Love. Sanity. 

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