Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Playing Catch-Up!

            It's been far too long! I've just been so busy!!! I took the kids to Cali, got a job. got the kids back... +1 (My little brother) and... and... we moved somewhere in the chaos... ironically we'll be moving once more pretty soon. This time it will be back home! California!!! HERE WE COME! Finally! I can't possibly begin to tell you how excited I am for this move. Now, I don't particularly expect to like where we're going but I do know I'm so tired of the state of Washington. Don't misunderstand... I LOVE the rain, the beautiful greenery and the warm summer nights- Oh and my friends of course! The terrible drivers are just about the only thing I wont miss. BUT I do think the gloomy clouds and rain are putting a damper on my personality. I feel soooo negative lately! I want beaches I can swim in and not run the risk of hypothermia! LOL! I want barbecuing with family! I need to have a weekend in San D or a trip to Disneyland with the kids!!!! WOW! I hadn't realized how much I missed home! Ok enough of the exciting rant! Can I just say I love my friends who through all of the above activities (Moving, New Job, etc...) have been there for me and an apologize to those who I havent been the best friend to, my hectic schedule hasn't permitted me to give you the time you deserve and I miss you more than you know. The only downside of the move is the fact that i'll be away from the few friends I have left here. I love you all so much!

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